The sources and types of customs data vary from country to country, but they generally include the following main sources and types: Customs Declarations: This is one of the most common sources of customs data. Import and export goods must go through customs declaration procedures, which involve submitting detailed information such as goods description, value, quantity, origin, transportation mode, etc. Customs agencies record this declaration information and use it for supervision and statistics. Import and Export Data: This type of data includes records of the import and export of goods, documenting the relevant information when goods are transported from one country or region to another. Such data typically includes goods descriptions, quantities, values, tariff rates, etc. Customs Regulatory Data: This includes information related to the regulation of goods, such as tariff collection, goods classification, inspection, and safety reviews. This data is crucial for ensuring trade compliance and the safety of goods. Tariff Data: This data includes the tariff rates for various commodities, which are the taxes levied on imported and exported goods. Tariff data is essential for analyzing trade costs and market competitiveness. Trade Partner Data: This type of data displays the import and export trade relationships with a particular country or region. It includes the names of trading partner countries or regions and the volume of trade conducted with them. Goods Description Data: This data provides detailed descriptions of goods for classification and statistical purposes. These descriptions are often based on internationally recognized commodity codes, such as Harmonized System (HS) codes. Transportation Data: This includes information about the transportation mode, shipping companies, routes, customs ports, clearance dates, etc., for goods. This is crucial for understanding the logistics and supply chain management of goods. Payment Method Data: This data shows the payment methods used in import and export transactions, such as letters of credit, telegraphic transfers, credit cards, etc. This is helpful for understanding trade financing and payment risks. TISCE global customs data includes various important trade records, covering more than 200 countries and regions in North America, South America, Asia, Europe, and Africa, including importers, exporters, countries of origin, destination countries, ports of shipment, ports of discharge, quantities, amounts, and other fields. You can filter out the most suitable high-quality buyers based on product labels, peers, buyers, and other dimensions. TISCE customs data is updated in real-time and can provide you with the purchasing quantity, transaction frequency, and import and export quantity of your desired products in different countries in an intuitive way. It can monitor changes in suppliers in target countries or regions, etc. Currently being promoted, register TISCE for a free trial! If interested, please click on" rel="nofollow - lt1 or contact WhatsApp: +65 80381075